To edit a Chemicals Information or Storage Location, scroll down to Step 3 on the report home page and click on the edit icon next to the chemical you wish to change.
The Chemical Name/CAS number cannot be edited, in this case the Chemical will need to be Deleted and the correct Chemical Name/CAS number entered.
Verify the chemical information matches the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Be sure to mark each Physical and Health Hazard as listed on the SDS.
Verify you have entered the correct Maximum Daily Amount, Average Daily Amount, Amount In, Amount Out, and the Number of Days on Site. Answer the Subject to Status questions.
Verify the Storage Location information is correct.
For assistance editing or making changes to your storage locations review this article "How do I edit or remove a storage location?"
If you have additional questions, please submit a Help Desk ticket or call the Hazardous Substance Information Hotline 503-378-6835 or 800-454-6125.