"Agricultural facility" means a facility where the only operations conducted are the cultivation and/or breeding of animals an/or plants to provide food, fiber, medicinal plants and other products to sustain and enhance life. These include but are not limited to ranches, farms, and nurseries.
"Agricultural facility" does not include facilities where, harvested animals or plants are processed for consumption or use. These include but are not limited to packing plants, canneries, and mills.
If you are a "grow only" agricultural facility, you will need to edit Step 1 of your report.
At the bottom left side of the "Location & Business Activity at this Site" tab, mark yes to the question: "Are you an Agricultural Facility with grow-only operations?"
At the top right side, click the "Search NAICS" button. Type in the "Description" field for your business activity, select the NAICS that applies to your industry.
Save each tab in Step 1 to proceed.
In Step 3, for each chemical you add that is applicable to your grow only operations you will need to mark the #6 Chemical Fee Exemption. This will ensure that your facility does not receive a fee on substances reported for growing operations.