Maximum Daily Amount
For each hazardous substance that you are reporting, determine the maximum amount present at your facility on any single day during the reporting period.
Example - You received one large shipment of a liquid hazardous substance last year. The shipment filled five 5,000-gallon storage tanks. You multiply 5,000 gallons by five to get a total of 25,000 gallons. This is your maximum daily amount and is the most first responders should expect to encounter at your facility.
Average Daily Amount: Total your daily amounts and divide by the number of days the chemical was present on the facility, or the approximate average amount stored at the facility.
Example 1: A facility stores a hazardous substance at 850 gallons, pounds, or cubic feet. Their supplier fully (or completely) refills the hazardous substance 40 times during the year equaling to 34,000 gallons, pounds or cubic feet and is used up within 365 days.
The Average Daily Amount calculation is as follows: 34,000 gallons, pounds or cubic feet divided by 365 days = 94 gallons, pounds or cubic feet (round up to the nearest whole amount).
Example 2: A facility stores one hazardous substance in two storage containers each at 500 gallons, pounds or cubic feet. The combined total or maximum aggregate amount is 1,000 gallons, pounds or cubic feet. In this situation the average stored amount doesn’t go below 250 gallons, pounds or cubic feet per container, before their supplier refills the storage container back to capacity.
The Average Daily Amount calculation is as follows: Container 1 has 250 gallons, pounds or cubic feet plus container 2 has 250 gallons, pounds or cubic feet = a combined total of 500 gallons, pounds or cubic feet average amount.
Remember substances reported in;
- A liquid state is reported as gallons,
- A solid state is reported as pounds,
- A gas state is reported as cubic feet,
- A radioactive state is reported as millicuries.
Whether you use one of these methods or another method, you should ensure that first responders have accurate information on the amount they will likely encounter on any given day if the substance is onsite.
If you have additional questions, please submit a Help Desk ticket or call the Hazardous Substance Information Hotline 503-378-6835 or 800-454-6125.