Amount In - This is the total amount of the hazardous substance received during the reporting period.
EXAMPLE: 100 gallons of a reportable hazardous substance is delivered every day during the reporting period. Provided the reporting period is a calendar year (non leap-year), the amount in is 36,500 gallons (100 X 365).
Once the amount is determined, select the two-digit code from the drop down for the total amount of the substance transported to the facility during the reporting period.
NOTE: If no amounts were transported to the facility, select "00".
Amount Out - This is the total amount transported off site in its original form during the reporting period. It does not include accidental or intentional releases, or substances consumed at the site.
Example: 100 gallons of a reportable hazardous substance is transported off site once every month during the reporting period. Provided that the reporting period is a calendar year (non leap-year), the amount out is 1,200 gallons (100 X 12).
Select the two-digit code from the drop down for the amount of the substance transported off the site during the reporting period.
NOTE: If no amounts were transported from the facility, select "00".