If you receive this error message:
Please verify that the address is entered correctly by checking the following:
- Street direction ( 1234 N 5th St vs. 1234 5th St N)
- Zip Code
- Street Name (e.g. Highway 22 vs. Mission Street in Salem, Oregon)
- Street name spelled correctly
- Street Type (Street, Ave, Highway)
- Correct County
- Correct City
You may also find it helpful to cross reference the address using an internet search engine. If the address that comes up for your location is slightly different, try entering that address. However, you must ensure the address is correctly identifying the location of your facility.
If you are entering a substation or Cell site see the article "How do I enter a substation or cell tower site".
If your address will not validate after verify it to be correct, Check the box 'Check if Facility address is not a standard address'
If you have additional questions, please submit a Help Desk ticket or call the Hazardous Substance Information Hotline 503-378-6835 or 800-454-6125.