Substantive Change is a requirement of OAR 837-085-0100
IMPORTANT: Substantive changes must be submitted within 30 days of the change
The following are significant updates that are considered substantive changes and must be reported within 30 days of the change.
- A change of ownership or business name
- The facility (company) is no longer in business
- A change of site address or mailing address
- A change of any phone number
- A change of any contact person information, including a change in Email or phone numbers, a change to the registered/reporting User for the facility
- Introduction of a new hazardous substance to the site in a reportable quantity
- An increase of a substance already reported that changes the Maximum Amount Code
- A previously reported substance that is moved to another building, another floor level, or 300 feet or more from its originally reported location
How Do I Report a Substantive Change?
- Log in to CHS Manager.
- Submit an Update report.
- Verify that all of your facility's information is current.
If you have additional questions, please submit a Help Desk ticket or call the Hazardous Substance Information Hotline 503-378-6835 or 800-454-6125.