Note: Before submitting a Request Chemical Not Found in Lookup, please follow the below steps to verify the Chemical has been searched for correctly.
Click the Search by CAS/Chemical Name hyperlink.
Use the Product Name/Identifier from the Safety Data Sheet as the Chemical Name to search.
Searching by CAS is for Pure substances only.
In the search pop-up in the "Chemical Name" column, type in the partial chemical name that is listed in the Product Name/Identifier section of the SDS. For the Example we are using the Chemical Name: LEAD ACID BATTERY WET, FILLED WITH ACID EAST PENN.
NOTE: Do not type in the full name of the chemical. If it has not been entered in the Master Chemical list exactly the way you typed it, CHS Manager will not bring up any results.
Scroll through the list to see if the chemical you are trying to add is in the Master Chemical List. If the Chemical is not found proceed with the next steps.
To submit a request to have the chemical added to the Master Chemical Lookup. Click the Request Chemical Not Found in Lookup link.
In the Notes section, indicate the chemical name and select Browse to upload the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Then click Save.
NOTE: You may want to refer to the article "How do I save a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) so it is uploadable?"
You will receive a popup message.
Once you receive notification that the requested chemical has been added to the Master Chemical Lookup, you then need to return to your initiated report to add the new substance. Follow the steps in the article "How do I add a chemical?"
If you need additional assistance, please call the Oregon Hazardous Substance Information Hotline: (503) 378-6835 or Toll-Free in Oregon 800-454-6125